In a standalone to the bestselling Book Woman series comes a heroine for the ages, legendary book woman Cussy Lovett returns in The Mountains We Call Home: The Book Woman’s Legacy. A journey that will transport you through the rugged Appalachians, to a Kentucky prison and its nearby 1950s bustling business district of Louisville, to a quaint Ohio town and into Detroit’s golden age and beyond.
The Mountains We Call Home: The Book Woman’s Legacy is a powerful testament of strength, survival and the magic of the printed word wrapped into a vivid portrait which examines criminalization, exploring the effects on the poor and powerless, the societal consequences of fractured family bonds along with the nostalgic glimpses of a bustling multifaceted business district. Meticulously researched, richly detailed with a new cast of absorbing and complex characters, and glimpses of beloved older ones: this beautifully rendered, authentic Kentucky tale is gritty and heartbreaking and infused with hope, spirit and courage known only to those with no way out.