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Read More About SHY RABBIT

Kim Michele has built a tiny home in the wilds of Kentucky to create a writers / artists residency, named Shy Rabbit.

Shy Rabbit will provide scholarships and a food stipend several times during the year to writers anywhere who seek a contemplative and tranquil place to work and create. A NYC literary and film agent will review and select from the applicants. 

residencies Applications Open december 8, 2024 / Close March 1, 2025 Unfortunately, we receive a lot of queries so it's impossible to reply to all of them regarding the status. We will contact you by May 15, 2025 should your application be accepted.


  •  Write a 200 word summary of your work in progress

  • Write 100 words on how you would utilize the time at Shy Rabbit.

  •  Add another 100 words of why you need this time and space.

  •  Include and paste into the email 5-10 pages of sample writing from your work in progress.

  • Include a short Bio with all contact information

  • Email the above to: theshyrabbit1 @

  • The top 3 entries will be sent to a literary agent in New York, who will choose one winner.

  • Winner will receive an 7-12 day stay at Shy Rabbit during June through November.

  • A generous food stipend will be given upon arrival.

  • Winner will be responsible for transportation. In some cases you may apply for travel reimbursement.

  • There is no internet connection at SHY. However there are coffee shops and libraries nearby.

  • Only the winner will be allowed to occupy Shy Rabbit during their stay. (Sorry no family or friends or children or pets can be accommodated)

  • Small breakage /damage deposit required a week before arrival. Returned immediately upon inspection and if no damage is found.

Authors who are on tour and who are looking for an overnight respite from a hectic schedule, please contact Kim Michele for a complimentary stay at Shy Rabbit.

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